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Subscription service for your home: Why to consider

Virus 360

Whether you are looking at your home or business, your health and those around you should be your top priority. That is why the CDC has strongly suggested it socially distance and wear masks and regularly clean your place of business and home. When it comes to having a clean space safe from germs, it is essential to understand the difference between conventional cleaning, disinfecting, and sanitizing why electrostatic technology should be your solution.

Cleaning will remove the germs from objects and surfaces, but this does not mean that those germs are killed. That rag you used during your cleaning is spreading those germs to any other surface that it touches. Disinfection will mean using chemicals to kill germs on surfaces, but this will not remove those viruses and bacterias. Sanitizing will lower the number of germs on a surface, but this process will only be as good as the products you use to reduce the risk of spreading bacterias. That is when you have to consider a solution that will leave any targeted area clean and sanitized.

Electrostatic spray technology will positively charge the cleaning mist to attract to the most negatively charged surfaces. The droplets spread out effectively and are highly attracted to these negative or even neutral surfaces, causing less liquid to be wasted. Those hard to reach areas are no obstacle to the mist's nature that allows it to coat surfaces evenly and envelope objects, even if sprayed from one side. There is no surface that should go uncleaned when you consider how quickly the germs that remain can multiply, even faster than you might have thought.

If your building contains rooms or areas sensitive to germs, electrostatic spray cleaning is the best option for you. What is also vital to remember is that although the germs were removed through the initial cleaning when dealing with high traffic areas, those germs will find their way back. Having a subscription service for your home is something to consider, especially given the current COVID-19 situation, still causing havoc worldwide. As you leave your home to go to work, pick up supplies, or even for deliveries, you are always inviting old and new germs to make a reappearance.

With a subscription service for your home, you don't have to be out of your house for long since the time it takes to cover and disinfect all surfaces are reduced by 50% compared to other conventional methods. This method has been proven to improve infection control and the spread of viruses, including COVD-19. The CDC has labeled our chemical solutions proven to kill this virus and 99% of other pathogens. Plus, when you sign up for a subscription with us, you save money in the total visits and prevent costly financial burdens that can come with infections.


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